Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The flowers that will blossom

I bet most of us have all been in a relationship that demands us to do a lot more for them than we’d ever do for ourselves. For instances: You both work; the economy sucks. Two jobs is needed. Man comes home expects dinner on the table. Even though the women has worked the same amount of hours. So in this scenario one takes advantage of ones time. What did we learn? That men in 2013 can’t do anything on their own? That a man has a women create a meal for him to eat because he worked all day? Do we not enough respect for each other anymore?

Let me break this down in layman's terms for some to follow along.  If you’re in a relationship with anyone; whoever it may be. You live your life; they live their life; and in the middle the time left is spent for each other. Have we lost the basics? Even in relationships? I mean society sucks as it is but now we must live with this everywhere?

Now take this scenario for instance: You both work; the economy sucks. Two jobs is needed. Man comes home; asks how the woman's day was; asks what she would like to do for dinner. She replies. If she doesn’t want anything. He makes it him damn self. Why? Because taking advantage of someone elses time isn’t what relationships are about. Now; if she has made a meal out of her dear love for this man; then out of the give and take rule of life; KARMA. The man will make a meal for her. Very basic; not very hard to understand.

Taking advantage of each other is a part of a healthy relationship. What I do for you; I would expect you’d do the same. It’s not that hard to respect another person and their life; especially if you in a relationship with them. If you’re in a relationship; you need to live your life; while not expecting anything from your counterpart. We all understand the basic’s of bills. Bills are not in this topic of discussion because if you’ll have problems with paying your bills than that is a completely different topic of self responsibility (Another day another time).  Letting your counterpart live their life for them self while you’re apart of that journey is more fulfilling then dinner on the table after work. Spending that time even making dinner together because that is all the time you’ve for each other is more equality for that relationship than expect it to be on the table.

Now to make this a little more interesting. If you expect dinner on the table; the you probably expect your laundry to be done also. So let me get this straight. Men expect dinner, cloths to be washed. This seems like men think they’re more important based on their jobs. I didn’t know your counterpart; the person you so called love aka respect is your servant. Maybe I just grew up a little different and I am a different breed of male; but I clean the house when I have time; I wash my own clothes because I like them done a certain way; I even cook my own food. I also work on music 8 hours a day plus hangout with friends while still finding enough to time do all the essential things I need to do for myself.

You work on music? That isn’t a rough physical day of labor. Okay; you’re right, I work hard but it's mentally exhausting which becomes physically exhausting. But I have one even better for you; when I was in the military; I did all this myself still; and I bet that was more physical than your average joe job.

Now I am not here to judge my life to your life while saying my life ways are better than yours. All I am saying is this; if you respect a person in a relationship then show it by your actions. Saying “I love you” means in layman's terms “I respect you.” Show it. Prove it. I bet if you take the time while showing this type of respect; it will make your relationship even more flourishing for each other. Living concurrently for life goals; while, not holding back based on your expectation of what they should be doing for you.

Try it for a week; watch the flower that blossoms; just saying!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Don't feed the bad wolf.

Its weird to sit back and think to yourself. Someday’s you’re full of positive energy; and some days you’re full of negative energy. There is an old Indian saying, “You pick and choose the wolf inside of you, you feed. Don’t feed the wrong one.” I completely agree. We as humans need to learn on those negative filled time’s to try and bliss ourselves with positive filled thoughts and emotions. Its what you’re you attract; thus, if you’re continually filling your mind with nonsense and being negative; then look around, I bet that same type of attitude of life is around you; even though its hard to swallow sometimes. If we all could just accept people for who they’re instead of ridiculing the differences that make us all unique in our own way. Its a tough cookie to eat when you don’t realize that you’re expecting people to live life under you expectation of life; instead of just living yours while accepting theirs.

People make mistakes. People are always going to make mistakes. There isn’t always one answer to life; one road to take. It’s a trial with error kind of life which sooner or later you find a winning circumstance. It’s hard to understand but even Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”   That's really the stunt that life has; making mistakes teaches you the most. Most are still trying to figure out who they’re and what they’re going to do in life. Its not that you’re lost; you’re just not answering the right questions to find the answers you’re looking for. Sometimes the answer you come up with are not what you’re looking for so you second guess it. To first overcome anything in life Buddha talked about accepting and loving yourself for anyone else to appreciate what you’re going to offer.  That's truth.

If you understand how energy works and how we as humans can tap into a thing called consciousness; then you’ll understand, you’ve to admit the flow of energy to attract energy. People  who aren’t admitting energy means they’re still discovering their love for oneself. Which means they’re taking energy from one to live theirs. This is how some people live their life which is limiting them to becoming full. I once was this type of human. I didn’t accept who I was as a person while always thinking people who were around were judging me. When they were probably thinking about what they ate for supper and had no recollection of me even being there. That in sense made me a follower of a type of energy that I saw was correct for my life at that time.

Once you start admitting your own energy for people to accept; then your life becomes more fulfilled. Once you’re around more people who’re on their own path in life; “chopping down the trees that block their happiness and blocking them from their dreams;” figuratively speaking. You’ll see what I mean. They’re out doing them while attracting similar energies; not saying every person whom you meet in this scenario will be amazing but they’ll have like minded goals and aspirations.  These are the type of people you want to surround yourself by. The doer, the dreamers, the writers, the artists, the inspires of today. They’ll keep you going on your path instead of dragging you down to a path that hold you back.

This is a very basic way of looking at energy and how its affliction to people is highly misunderstood and not talked about. Who you’re you attract; remember this. Anyone in life can change to become something great if they’re looking to start their own path while surrounding themselves with the correct energies. Its not that complicated but most are so stuck in other realms of societies delusions they lost the basics of humans civilization and interaction. Ever heard; "Its who you know?" Where do you think that came from?

Teachings of respect for life.

When I was younger I grew up in a hostile environment. Where violence was the answer to teaching your children; instead of actually loving and showing them. I can’t say it was my mother's fault for not understanding the love she deserved while accepting what she thought was right for her. While growing up it was always my fault for other peoples actions in the household; no matter the situation. Most kids nowadays have to deal with this type of scenario in their home while growing up. Its not supposed to be this way even if your parents are poor and really have nothing to give to you besides love. Parents should be teaching their children to become happy with themselves; not with what they have.

In today’s age most children watch T.V. which inherits their minds to think that obtaining all these objects and materials is what love is. In reality; outside the delusions of our society; love is merely respect. Respect for another human means you love them and if you say you love them you merely respect them. Its the mere fact that most are lost in the definitions of what words really mean and become lost based on words; the trickery.  I understand words can sometimes trick you into doing something you wouldn’t of done but needless to say you shouldn’t be listening to words as much as actions of others and your own feelings you receive based on the energy flowing in the atmosphere. I am not going to say that you’ve to understand all the science behind life and how energy works.

A famous quote said, “To understand the world, think, Energy, Vibrations, and Frequencies.” -Nikola Tesla. This would be considered the basic understanding of how we as people interact with each other on a daily basis but throughout history we’re losing this so called trait based on society being sucked into an abyss of technology and standard of communicating with each other; but  instead we communicate through it. This is exactly what Albert Einstein predicted to happen in the 60’s, “When society reaches a point where technology surpasses the human interaction; we will have a sorry lot indeed.” Which is the truth. Look around at all the people that in reality have no idea what is really going on let alone would know what to do if they found out.

The solution is very simple teach children at a young age how to use technology as a tool. This would allow them inherit the respect for the newer technology; instead of letting it rule their lives. It would also give us ample way to increase education for the newer generations of children that are rapidly coming to this world. We need to start going back to what works; instead of thinking we know what works. My generation group called the Millennium age group is practically over listening to all the bullshit we have put up with over the years. This is our world correct? Why in the world can’t we change it for the betterment of our children; and our future society? What rules dictate that we must follow these rules while not bettering ourselves? I don’t see any rules anywhere that say this; most are just afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I understand the fear of the unknown is scary and this world has big people protecting their so called investment into how society is ran but not to teach each other will only produce nothing but mere idiots.

Once the older generations; who supposedly set these so called rules are gone; who here is stuck with all their corrupted ideas and conceptions of how reality is? We’re becoming worse off the more we follow these so called rules. Less and less free to try to become what you were born to become that isn’t life. Life happens all around you; without boundaries to become what they were set out to do; why limit people an their abilities? Why not educate people to become the best they can be without fear. Because it makes sense? We should we consistently be in battle with our peers. Jobs should be merely a teaching for the next generations to come. Yes some people are naturally gifted at things and those people will be able to create a method of teaching to a bigger audience. Thats exactly how music works; the bigger influence you’ve; the bigger you’re.

The issue is we’re yet again letting the media control what most of the children are being taught by the so called third party parent called the T.V. The longer you’re away from technology the more you understand the importance of human interaction for a better understanding of life. No matter how much I rant; it all comes back to better teaching of life at a early age in life instead of allowing people to go out on their own and learn all these lessons at older ages. We can have more educated children if they understood the importance of it at a younger age. We could have a better schooling of life if parents would actually teach their children life lessons instead of inflicting violence on them to make them fearful. Fear isn’t the best tool to use; most of them time it put a limit on that child's brain from fully developing into what he or should could've been until a later age in life; that isn’t what this world needs.

We need to realize what our actions and conceptions are doing now for our children's success in the future; its simple, but most will argue. The younger the child the easier they’re to teach aka program; psychologist have proven this so many times; then you look at reality; most of these kids have influence from someone an that is the reason they act the way they do. How about we man up as human’s and start teaching our children; the respect of life.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Englighten your day


I am just your average Joe; from a small country town. I have a lot of morals and respect for people on their own journey throughout life.  We as humanity; have this weird way of neglecting the people who're different instead of accepting their difference as unique traits that a person may or may not have. Instead we black sheep them and ridicule them for thinking outside the box of the normality. I am personally a victim of this and it hurts me to see it grow continually by the way we're being educated. We as humans need to combine forces to make our efforts towards future goals more successful and enjoyable. Have you ever done something without the help of someone alone the way?! Very rarely will that happen; someone will always be there to help you. Its the way we're programmed as humans but we're falling away from this very basic gesture of respect for one another. We're going down a deep abyss of hatred and no control of love for humanity; but instead controlled. I hate to admit it but look around you....the zombie Apocalypse is already happening; most people are so into technology and the next best thing that you forget to pick up your comrades that fell behind due to the lack luster society we have for each other. Its all for one; and this mindset is pathetic. We're humans that started life together and will be ended together. The issue is we're forgetting to help each other build concrete base to hold sturdy. We throw bones to the wrong people and we for whatever reason blame everyone else for our mistakes. It takes courage to admit wrong doings but it takes respect not only for yourself but for humans to admit wrongs doings of your own for them to grow and learn. Its the way of life; experiences should be shared to broaden people perspectives to make them more knowledgeable for the betterment of society. We're on the path of our destruction and its right in front of us. If we don't combined our powers of knowledge and wisdom; sooner or later someone else will try to take control of your computer aka your brain. Why do you think you get paid any hourly rate for work?! To compensate for the computing process your brain does...and most people just go through the motions without thinking but instead they react. Its simple. Learn to accept instead of expect and society can grow. What do I know? I am a small town country boy that see humanity sucking at life.